Upper Stages: Aristocats
Inspired by the cherished Disney animated classic, “Disney’s The Aristocats KIDS” brings to life a vivacious, jazzy musical adventure teeming with non-stop feline antics and unexpected twists. Set against the backdrop of Paris, the story unfolds as a generous and quirky millionairess leaves her vast fortune to Duchess, her refined cat, and her three playful kittens. The tale takes a humorous turn when a conniving butler executes the ultimate scheme to kidnap them. It falls to Thomas O’Malley, a streetwise alley cat, and his ensemble of jazzy felines to embark on a daring rescue mission, ensuring a blend of laughter, excitement, and heartwarming moments.
- Children entering grades 7-9
- M-F, June 10-21 from 1pm – 4pm
- Performing Arts Center, EGF High
- Performance 7:00pm on June 21